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Regional Business Parks
Single and multi-tenanted office buildings
Typically range in size from 10,000 sq ft – 100,000 sq ft (900 – 9,000 sq m)
Unit size typically 3,000 sq ft – 6,000 sq ft (250 – 550 sq m)
Individual lot sizes of €1.5 million to €25 million
Retail Parks
Multi-tenanted retail parks
Typically range in size from 15,000 sq ft – 500,000 sq ft (1,500 – 50,000 sq m)
Lot sizes vary from circa €3 million to circa €25 million
Multi-Tenanted Urban Logistics
Multi-unit estates suitable for a wide variety of users including light manufacturing businesses and last mile distribution
Individual lot sizes of €2 million to €25 million
Typically comprise five to 20 individual units
Single let logistics buildings / multi-tenanted logistics parks
Lot sizes from circa €5m upwards