17 Jun 2015

Harald Holzinger reinforces M7 Real Estate Germany team

Frankfurt, 17 June 2015 – Harald Holzinger (37) has just been appointed by M7 Real Estate Germany GmbH as Asset Manager, responsible inter alia for the management of the light industrial properties in the MStar Portfolio.

The holder of a Diploma in Housing and Real Estate (FWI), Harald has more than 15 years professional experience in the real estate industry. Most recently he was Asset Manager for commercial properties owned by national and international investors, at Pamera Cornerstone Real Estate.

Prior to that, Harald worked at Hochtief Property Management and Ballwanz Immobilien.

At M7 Real Estate Germany, Harald will take over responsibility for the marketing and letting of vacant space, developing strategies for optimising value and profits from properties under management, ten-ant management, and supervision of property management. He will also assist with due diligence on acquisitions.